Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.

What are the delivery charges for orders from the Online Shop?

FREE Delivery for all orders above Rs.1000 and above.
Rs.30 delivery charge for orders less than 1000

Which payment methods are accepted in the Online Shop?

We accept payment via Bank Transfer, UPI, PayTM, Google Pay and Cash.

How long will delivery take?

We deliver all orders within 24-48 hours in South Mumbai area if items are in stock.

How secure is shopping in the Online Shop? Is my data protected?

Our website is SSL enabled. Also the shopping cart is handled by branded third party payment gateways like Stripe, PayU, Google Pay and PayTM.

What are the storage instructions and shelf life of the products?

Raw chicken for immediate consumption (24 hours) must be refrigerated between 0-40 (minus forty) degrees.

Raw chicken that is frozen at -18 (minus eighteen) degrees in freezer compartment has a shelf life of upto 6 months

Ready to Eat Chicken products must be stored at -18 (minus eighteen) degrees (freezer compartment) and have a shelf life of upto 6 months.

Marinated Chicken Products if stored at -4 (minus four) degrees must be consumed within 3 days.

Marinated Chicken Products if stored at -18 (minus eighteen) degrees have a shelf life of about 1 month.

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