Our focus is complete customer satisfaction. We keep fresh stock and all products are delivered as per mentioned in our products shop page. We assure you that we stand by our products and supply you as mentioned in our products page.
However, in the event, if you are displeased with the products provided, we will refund back the money, provided the reasons are genuine and it is given back to us in the original packing. Please read the product description, weight and price before buying as it provides all the details about the items.
Our Policy for the cancellation and refund will be as follows:

Cancellation Policy

For Cancellations please contact the us via contact us whatsapp chat or call us on 9002045252

Refund Policy

In case any client is not completely satisfied with our products we can provide a refund.
If paid by credit card, refunds will be issued to the original credit card provided at the time of purchase and in case of payment via PayTM, Google Pay etc, payments refund will be made via the same payment method.